

Dear sugars ②




前回と同様にSugars(またはゲスト)の言葉は: のあと。(第1回と同様コンテキストが完全にはない)

(Dear sugars

Sexual fluidityの回


ストレイトだとずっと思って生きてきたのに、私はレズビアンになったのか?と悩むレターに対して。Sexual fluidityだけではなくて、fluidityとは何かにたいして。



シェリルは、fluidyとは変わっていく自分を知っていくこと、そのことは自分が「自分の(そして自分の人生の)主体(agent)」であることを認識することでもある、と話す。そしてsexual fluidityとは、私たちが自分にとってのintimacyとは何かを自分の人生の中で定義づけし続ける、アップデートし続けることができることを表しているという。


シェリル : "I think that’s fluidity is all about. I’m going to be an agent to my own life. I’m going to define what an intimacy is to me. (中略) we get to rebuild that begins with knowing oneself."


Writer’s resist part 1 の回


トランプが大統領に選ばれたあと、私たち(Writes)には何ができるのかについて、詩人のWendy Chin-TannerとSugarsが話す回。この世界で「書くこと」はどうやってresilience になる?



Wendy: “stories are so important. I feel that it’s the ways that people understand the world around them. So there is a conduit for the empathy and the empathy is the engine for the change. I feel like that was a really good way to connect together and make that kind of change.



When bad things happen の回


: HopelessnessとSorrowは違う


foreverだと思うとhopelessになる。moving on the direction of what’s next ができるよ。


: One of the things you can do with your sorrow, always, to decide to be resilient about it, to decide that it’s not going to define your life, your daughter’s life, of your family’s life. シェリ


Change is work in progress の回


: We always talk about good modeling behavior to the kids. But It’s really important to model conflict, difficult thing, anger and rage, and forgiveness. It’s important to show them how to manage (those things. Rather than trying to show what a perfect person is). シェリ


: 子どもにとって親は完璧じゃなくてもいい。重要なのは二人の間のrelationship.


Moving on pt.1 の回

: Letting go of the gilt doesn’t mean not caring. It’s to find a new ways to hold on to our people. Finding a new sense of connection to our loved ones.

: Moving on wasn’t about releasing my mother. It was about learning how to carry her. シェリ



Emotional abuse の回

: Being in an emotional abusive relationship, the deepest loss is the loss of  the self. The loss of the ability to think not even what you are but also who you are. .



Family secret 1 の回

: Once you let go that secret, It’s a story for you to tell not the story that tells you



The family we carry の回

: Forgiveness is about acceptance and letting go.