



 ( From the architecture class assignment.... messy) やったときにもらった質問のいくつかと、そこに書いたものの一部をここにも記録しておきたい。


How do you want yourself to be ?

If, only using adjective

: compassionate, sincere, kind, truthful ( both to the feeling and to the matter) , imaginative, passionate, positive, joyful, and authentic.

The original one I wrote here ↓ is more like how I want to live but I hope u don’t mind.

I’d say : I want to be both sincere to the life AND having fun. I want to savor my life as a human being. I want to be sharing, but not forcing. & I wanna be expressing, but not be controlling. These are pretty big things.

And importantly, I want to keep NOT fearing expressing the love I have towards others.

& for sure I wanna keep loving music, films, and literature in my life as well.

Of course, there are and there will be times when things seem just suck in life. But even among those things, I want to be staying resilient about it and not entirely sunk in. I want to be someone who doesn’t forget hope even when everything seems so despair. (this thing about resilience, I learned from Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond. But I really think this kind of resilience is so F important in a life, it’s one thing I wanna keep having as a part of my heart.








Where do you get your inspiration from ?

Friends, people I meet, movies, books, music, podcasts, pictures, the places I go (the sound & smell of the place, the texture of the air, the feels, the lights), foods, Social media (mostly Instagram and YouTube, and sometimes Twitter), the things I touch.

I get inspiration from literally anywhere. I try to take note (maybe not at that moment but as soon as I can) when my mind or my heart moves (even a little bit) in everyday life in order not to easily diminish the moment. I also do the same when I learn something new so I won’t forget. Btw, in this way not only I relish those moments but also I intentionally become more aware of what have been inspiring me.






















まだ他にもあると思うけど、今思ったのはこれくらいです :)


How do you get over your past, like past mistakes and past trauma and the stuff.


I first remind myself that “getting over” is not the same as “forgetting”. Sometimes there are some things that are so painful I feel I even wanna forget, but I know I can’t and I don’t really want to forget, either.


Though I can’t change what happened in the past, I can change the way I carry the past as well as the kind of the role which the past will be playing in my future. Definitely, I don’t want my past, some specific time period of my life or some specific things I have done, to be something that define my whole life.


Most of the time so far, there are something I can learn from it. I have made many mistakes in the past but I can’t/I don’t wanna just dump that. I try to see it as a way to evolve. I know that there are some things that are like “I wish I could learn that without going through this ”. But It happened. That’s a fact I can’t change. So why not let that make me evolve, rather than let that ruin everything in the life ahead? In the end, the life continues.

Also if what comes from the past is the shame or regret, allow yourself to NOT use the feel of being tortured as a way to punish yourself, try to separate those “feeling” you are using to punish yourself from what you can actually “DO” from now on (whether you do something to some people directly, or to change the way you live/the way you see your life in general). Feeling guilt is ok for some points (You feel what you feel), but if you think that feeling guilt continuously is the only way that you can remember the past, that’s not the case. One thing is that, if you are not ok with you being ok, it’s impossible to be ok. I feel that sometimes, to be moving on, you have to decide that it’s ok for yourself to be ok at some point, so you can work on WHAT to do for it, HOW to do it.


Some things, the things that happened to you that is just so unbelievable... The kind of things you don’t know what shit you can make out of that event/time...... Please try to stay resilient and don’t let those event/times define you & your life. I remember Cheryl Strayed talking about the difference between sorrow and hopelessness in her Dear Sugar Radio, that when you feel that it’s forever, you feel the hopelessness. Writing this also reminded me the words of Rilke, that “Let everything happen to you. Beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.” No feeling is truly final as long as you live, so keep going, stay resilient.

(If you feel you are stuck in the past, writing all the thoughts down is very helpful as a first step, even to know what to do. Also asking other people for help, if you feel that’s safe to do.)


*他のやつはもう使ってないけど@seaweedandglue のアカウントに残ってる。